Thursday, April 24, 2014

WAIDPS [Wireless Auditing, Intrusion Detection & Prevention System] Tutorial / Explanations - Part 1


WAIDPS is an open source wireless swissknife written in Python and work on Linux environment. This is a multipurpose tools designed for audit (penetration testing) networks, detect wireless intrusion (WEP/WPA/WPS attacks) and also intrusion prevention (stopping station from associating to access point). Apart from these, it will harvest all WiFi information in the surrounding and store in databases. This will be useful when it comes to auditing a network if the access point is ‘MAC filtered’ or ‘hidden SSID’ and there isn’t any existing client at that moment.

WAIDS may be useful to penetration testers, wireless trainers, law enforcement agencies and those who is interested to know more about wireless auditing and protection. The primarily purpose for this script is to detect intrusion. Once wireless detect is found, it display on screen and also log to file on the attack. Additional features are added to current script where previous WIDS does not have are :
·         automatically save the attack packets into a file
·         interactive mode where users are allow to perform many functions
·         allow user to analyse captured packets
·         load previously saved pcap file or any other pcap file to be examine
·         customizing filters
·         customize detection threshold (sensitivity of IDS in detection)

At present, WAIDS is able to detect the following wireless attacks and will subsequently add other detection found in the previous WIDS.
·         Association / Authentication flooding
·         Detect mass deauthentication which may indicate a possible WPA attack for handshake
·         Detect possible WEP attack using the ARP request replay method
·         Detect possible WEP attack using chopchop method
·         Detect possible WPS pin bruteforce attack by Reaver, Bully, etc.
·         Detection of Evil-Twin
·         Detection of Rogue Access Point

The whole structure of the Wireless Auditing, Intrusion Detection & Prevention System will comprise of
Harvesting WiFi Information         [Done]
Intrusion Detection                         [Partially Done]
Intrusion Prevention                       [Partially Done]
Auditing (Testing network)            [Coming Soon]
Other additional item include analyzing of packets, display of captured dump, display network barchart and much more.

No special equipment is required to use this script as long as you have the following :

   1. Root access (admin)
   2. Wireless interface which is capable of monitoring and injection
   3. Python 2.7 installed
   4. Aircrack-NG suite installed
   5. TShark installed
   6 TCPDump installed
   7 Mergecap installed (for joining pcap files)
   8 xterm  installed

Note: Application 3 - 8 are already pre-installed in Backtrack and Kali Linux. Save the hassles by running on Kali-Linux.

Download / Installation
Visit for all documentation and files or download the raw file directly from here

Save the file '' to your Linux Desktop or any directory you like. For my case, i saved it on my desktop and enter the following in the terminal console.
- cd Desktop/
- chmod +x
- ./

Once installation is completed, you may wish to delete the file where you have initially saved as the following had be created:

Directory : ~/SYWorks/
Directory : ~/SYWorks/WAIDPS/                                       (Working directory – Scripts and config files)
Directory : ~/SYWorks/ WAIDPS /tmp                               (For storing temporary files)
Directory : ~/SYWorks/WAIDPS/Database                      (For storing MAC-OUI and database files)
Directory : ~/SYWorks/WAIDPS/Saved                            (For storing pcap files)
Directory : ~/SYWorks/WAIDPS/Captured/Attack          (Storing automatically saved attack pcap files)
Directory : ~/SYWorks/WAIDPS/Captured/Monitoring  (Storing automatically saved monitoring MAC pcap files)
File         : ~/SYWorks/ WAIDPS /                    (Main script)
File         : ~/SYWorks/ WAIDPS /              (IPS script)
File         : ~/usr/sbin/

Note :
·         WAIPDS can download the ‘mac-oui.db’ directly from Github as long as there is internet connection
·         User need to enter a password for encryption of important database and remote transmitting/receiving of encrypted data (future)

Starting The Application
Once the script is started, it will attempt to detect the wireless interfaces installed in user system and will use the default wireless interface if only one wireless card is installed.

If there are multiple wireless interfaces detected, application will prompt user for action.

User can also is the commandline parameter ‘-i’ to specify the interface to use.

Structure of WAIDS’ Display

Before starting with the detail description of the whole application, WAIDS display structures are separated in several parts. For better understanding, the structures are as below.

WiFi-Harvesting Module
                        - Collecting/Storing of Access Points/Stations details and the relationship with each other. [Access Points / Wireless Clients Listing]
                        - Displaying of unassociated station information and its probe [Unassociated Stations]
                        - Allowing user to enter MAC addresses / Names to be monitored [Monitoring Panel]
                        - Association of stations to access point, station switch from one access point to another, station acting as both a wireless client and access point, etc [Association/Connection Alert]

Intrusion Detection
                        - Capture/Analyzing of packets
                        - Displaying of Station/Access Point MAC addresses and detected suspicious data count [Suspicious Activity Listing]
                        - Displaying of analysed WEP/WPA/WPS attack pattern and its detail [Attack Detected]

Below is an example of the displaying structure.

Note : User can also choose to display or hide the some of the selected display.

Command Selection Menu
At any one time during the waiting process, user can press [Enter] to enter into the [Command Selection Menu] for other setting, functions and tools.

B – About Application
C – Application Configuration
·         0/D – Change Regulatory Domain
·         1/R –  Refreshing rate of information
·         2/T –  Time before removing AP/Station
·         3/H –  Hide inactive Access Point/Station
·         4/B –  Beep if alert found
·         5/S –  Sensitivity of IDS
·         6/A –  Save PCap when Attack detected
·         7/M – Save PCap when Monitored MAC/Name seen

D – Output Display
·         0/H – Hide both Access Points & Stations Listing Display
·         1/A – Display Access Point Listing Only
·         2/S – Display Stations Listing Only
·         3/B – Display Both Access Points & Stations Listing (Separated View)
·         4/P – Advanced View with Probes Request (Merging associated Stations with Access Points)
·         5/O – Advanced View without probing request (Merging associated Stations with Access Points)
·         6/C – Display one time bar chart of Access Points information
·         7/C – Hide/Show Association/Connection Alert (Coming soon)
·         8/U – Hide/Show Suspicious Activity Listing Alert (Coming soon)
·         9/I – Hide/Show Intrusion Detection/Attack Alert (Coming soon)

F – Filter Network Display
·         1/A – Access Point
o       1/E - Encryption Type
o       2/S – Signal Range
o       3/C – Channel
o       4/N – Client
o       5/W – WPS
o       9/X – Clear Filter
·         2/S – Station/Client
o       1/P - Probes
o       2/S – Signal Range
o       3/A – Associated Station
o       4/U – Unassociated Station
o       9/X – Clear Filter
·         3/U-Unassociated Station
o       1/P - Probes
o       2/S – Signal Range
o       9/X – Clear Filter
H - History Logs
·         1/C – Connection Cautious Log
·         2/S – Display Suspicious Activity Listing
·         3/A – Display Attack Log
·         4/.L – Display Combination Logs (Combination of logs from 1,2,3)

L – Lookup MAC/Name Detail (Searching for detail stored in database)
·         1/M – MAC Address
·         2/N – Names of Access Point / Probes

M – Monitoring MAC Addr / Names (Show Alert when the specified MAC/Name became active)
·         1/M – MAC Address
·         2/N – Names of Access Point / Probes
·         9/C – Clear all Monitoring Items

O – Operation Options
·         0/R – Shutdown all interfaces and Restart again
·         1/P – Probe Access Point Name
·         2/N – Refresh Now
·         3/S – Restart Application (All active listing will be cleared)
·         4/T – Restore all setting (All configuration will be reset, application will restart)

A – Auditing (Penetration Testing of WEP/WPA/WPS Encrypted Network)
            Coming Soon

I – Interactive Mode (Packet Analysis)
·         Go into the command prompt and type [Help] to display options. Tons of options available for advance user examine and analyzing captured packets and add in customized attack pattern themselves if they know how to script.

P – Intrusion Prevention (Still in testing & scripting)
·         Basically sending deauthentication signal to specified MAC address stopping attacker from associating to access point

X – Exit Application

WiFi-Harvesting Module

The WiFi Harvesting module will sniff the surrounding traffic using airodump-ng, iwlist and wash for network information such as station mac address, probe, access point mac, name, encryption type, channel, signal strength, bitrate, oui and WPS information. With all the information gathered, it will then stored in databases for easier lookup of MAC addresses / names which will proof useful in term of MAC filtered / Hidden SSID access point or as an evidence that a specific station have associated to which access point. It can be done by using the built-in Lookup function.

In term of displaying/hiding of live captured access points and stations information, WAIDPS provided the follow selection basing on user preference and requirement.
·         Option 1 - Access Point Only
·         Option 2 – Station Only
·         Option 3 – Access Point and Station (Each in separated view)
·         Option 4 – Access Point with Station (All in one – Easier viewing of which station is associated to which AP) – Default
·         Option 5 – Similar to option 4 but without displaying of Probe name.
·         Option 0 – Hide both Access Points & Stations display

All these setting can be changed by press [Enter] to interrupt and entering user option menu while application is scanning the environment. After entering into the [Command Selection Menu], select “D” for output display and enter the choice from 0 to 5 to switch between views.

Option 4 - [Access Point with Station (All in one)]
The default display view will be Option 4, ie. displaying both Access Point/Clients/Probes all together. It is consider the best and advanced view among the 5 display options.

Note : A bold yellow on BSSID indicate that there are stations associated to the Access Point.
            A red asterisk beside the ESSID means that the Access Point was enriched with IWList.
            Different encryption type is represent by different color (Open- Yellow, WEP-Red, Cyan-WPA/WPA2)
            Station are in green color and probe name are in blue.

Option 1 - Access Point Only
This option only display Access Point information and hide all stations display. Simply press [Enter] to enter [Command Selection Menu] and select ‘D’ followed by ‘1’. Then press [Enter] again to return.

Procedure : [Enter] à [D] à [1] à [Enter]

Option 2 – Station Only
Option 2 display the stations information and indicated beside the station MAC on whether it is associated to an Access Point or not associated to any AP.

Procedure : [Enter] à [D] à [2] à [Enter]

Option 3 – Access Point and Station (Each in separated view)
This option is similar to the Airodump-NG view where Access Points & Stations information are separated into two sections. Basically, this option is the combination of Option 1 & 2.

Procedure : [Enter] à [D] à [3] à [Enter]

Option 5 – Display Access Points & Stations information but without displaying of Probe name.
Option 5 is similar to Option 4 except it will not show the SSID name probed by the station.

Procedure : [Enter] à [D] à [5] à [Enter]

Option 0 - Hiding Access Points / Stations Detail
To hide the display of access points and stations information, simply do the same as per option 1-5 but enter [0] to hide the display.

Option 6 – Display Barchart of Detected Network Information
User can also use option 6 to display the detected network information in barchart formatting divided into channels, encryption type and signal range as shown below.

Procedure : [Enter] à [D] à [6] à [Enter]

Hiding / Removing of Inactive Access Points / Stations
By default, the script will hide those inactive access points or stations after in-active for 3 minutes and remove from the active listing after 10 minutes. To the configuration, simply press [Enter] and select ‘C’ for Application Configuration. Within the Application Configuration menu, select on “T” to configure the inactive duration before hiding the Access Point/Station. Continue with “H” to set the waiting time before hiding the AP/Station or press “R” to set the waiting time before removing it from the list.

Procedure : [Enter] à [C] à [T] à [R] à[Enter]

Hiding / Displaying of Inactive Access Points / Stations
By default, the inactive Access Points and Stations will be hidden after the specified period of time. However, user can choose to display these inactive devices by selecting on “C” for Application Configuration and followed by “H’. User will subsequently have to select whether to display either Access Point / Station or both by selecting “A” for Access Point and “S” for Stations.

Procedure : [Enter] à [C] à [H] à [A] à[N]

Similar to view like option 4, those inactive Access Points and Stations will be  grey-out and reflected the list seen time and duration it was last seen.

Hiding of Unassociated Stations section
The [Unassociated Stations] section contains the MAC address, signal, first/last seen, duration and OUI information of stations that are not associated to any access point. This section may be useful to see which are those unassociated station not participating on any connection and could be passively sniffing the environment before attacking on any access point.

To disable the viewing of this section, select ‘F’ - Filter Network Display on the [Command Selection Menu] and carry on to “S” for Station/Client. In the Station filtering options, select “U” for unassociated station and then enter “N” for no in displaying only if station is not associated.

Procedure : [Enter] à [F] à [S] à [U] à[N]

Filtering Network Display
The filtering network display allow user to filter off the information they wanted such as only display access point with WEP encryption, access point with WPS enabled and much more filtration options. Below shown are examples of displaying only Access Point with WEP encryption and WPA encryption with WPS enabled.

Procedure : [Enter] à [F] à [A] à [E] à[WEP] à[Enter]
Example of WEP Encryption Filtering

Procedure : [Enter] à [F] à [A] à [E] à[WPA*] à[Enterà [A] à [W] à[Y]
Example of removing all filter and filter only WPA* with WPS enabled

Lookup MAC Address / Names
With the harvesting module run for some time collecting all access points and stations information, user can then lookup on all these information by simply entering the MAC address or name wanted to lookup for. To lookup for a specific MAC address, simply select “L” on the [Command Selection Menu] and “M” to input by MAC Address. Enter the MAC address to search and application will return with a comprehensive detail of the specified MAC address as shown below.

Steps: [Enter] à [L] à [M] à [MAC ADDR] à[Enter]

The Lookup function also allow user to perform wildcard search by entering “*” infront/back. Below is example of wildcard name search.

Monitoring Of MAC Addresses / Names (Blacklist)
The application also allow user to input MAC addresses or names to be monitored. This would be particularly useful if user has established the specific MAC address to be attacker MAC address. Once the MAC address / name is found in the surrounding, it will display on screen with alert beep. To add new MAC address, enter ‘M” in the [Command Selection Menu] and then “M” for MAC address. Enter “A” to add and follows with the MAC address.

 For easier viewing, once the monitored MAC is associated to any access point, it will be highlighted in red on the Access Point / Client Listing.


Unknown said...

Teach me bray..I gonna become your student

Anonymous said...

Very well documented. An amazing tool indeed. I hope future/continuous develop persists and that you come forth with more amazing ideas/thoughts to this wonderful project.

Anonymous said...

thx for your script...your script give inspiration for me..


Unknown said...

Good work ever Wireless Security.

What are the wireless cards support it to run on kalilinux(virtualbox)

Anonymous said...

centos 7 used.

# yum -y install wireshark
# ./
[!] The following file required by WAIDPS was not found:-
Required file not found - wireshark

fucking Error!! Why??

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I tried and get a message about MDK flood attack. I reviewed macs - almost all were mine but 2 aren't. I found them as another AP with another ESSID.
How it can be?
Is it waidps error or my neighbor uses my SSID too?

Arnoldpeter said...
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Anonymous said...